La Union Surfing Break-6 launched - Set for October 29-31

After five successful years of surfing and dancing with the waves which drove the influx of domestic and international tourists coming in to witness the event, the La Union Surfing Break 6 (LUSB 6) was launched recently in Thunderbird Resorts, Poro Point, with the local media and old-time as well as prospective sponsors by the La Union Surfing Break Management Committee.

The Committee, chaired by Attorney Rodolfo Y. Yabes, is also the President of the San Juan Beach Resorts Association (SJBRASS).

In cooperation with the Provincial Information and Tourism Office of the Provincial Government of La Union (PITO-PGLU), Municipality of San Juan, Department of Tourism (DOT), La Union Hotel, Resorts, and Restaurants Association (LUHRRA) and the La Union Surfing Club (LUSC), promises that this 6th LUSB will be a much bigger event.

According to Yabes, “Sumisikat ang La Union dahil sa surfing” (the province of La Union gains popularity because of this surfing). It does not just promote tourism in the province but it helps in bringing about employment as well.”

Yabes also added that due to the positive effects of this event to our tourism business, which boomed in terms of accommodations in hotel, resorts, and restaurants, more corporate sponsors are coming in, even more participants, foreign, locals, young and old, have shown so much interest to again see the huge and fascinating waves of our beaches in Urbiztondo, San Juan.

La Union Surfing

Adamor L. Dagang, PITO Chief, informed that extensive media mileage also helped a lot in sponsorship acquisition as this paved the way for the promotion of their products and services in terms of marketing.

Dagang said that as of last year’s crowd monitoring, there were more or less 7,000 participants for the three (3) days, three (3) nights event. “As of this early, hotel bookings are now full and we aim for a much higher or bigger number of participants this year.”

“A few years back, we just aimed to be the premier surfing destination in the north, but now, with the tremendous success/outcome of the past surfing breaks that we had, we will do everything possible to reach our goal that is to claim that La Union will be the next surfing capital of the Philippines”, Dagang emphasized.

Aiming to compete with well-known surf sites in the country with its captivating waves that suits all ages, La Union Surfing Break-6 has more to offer this year.

Aside from the usual surf clinics, Search for Surfing Bodies 2011, Oktoberfest, sand castle fun building, Pinta Alon (Tatoo Fest), surfboard design contest, beach volleyball, there will also be Sala ti Dalluyon, Yoga-Samba session, photography contest and kite-flying competition. (ANL/MPA-PIA 1 La Union)

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